Read de Pere Renom’s blog, biologist and TV3 reporter.
Explanation about conifers in the TV show Divendres
On the occasion of the 35th Espinelves Fir Fair, the magazine Divendres of TV3 has visited the town during the first week of December 2015. The biologist and Quèquicom reporter Pere Renom has helped to explain some features of conifers, family trees including fir, spruce, cedar, cypress, pine or redwood. In the Masjoan nursery, located […]
Presentation Night of Science and Knowledge
On November 18 it was held the 1st edition of the Night of Science of Sabadell, organized with the aim of bringing science and researchers to Sabadell citizenship and to value the importance of science in the lives of people. It was a solidarity night at the Municipal Theatre Farándula to support a project for […]
Interview in InfoK during the Feast of Súpers
El dissabte 17 d’octubre a la Festa dels Súpers entre moltes altres activitats hi ha hagut un plató de l’InfoK on els nens han pogut entrevistar a diferents personatges de la tele. També han parlat de ciència i han entrevistat a Pere Renom, del programa Quèquicom, i a Dani Jiménez del programa Dinàmiks. Podeu veure’n […]
XVI Science in Action Award to the report “Lightning catchers”
The report “Lightning catchers” of the popular science tv show “Quèquicom” has been awarded with the Science in Action award in the category of science in the media (UGR Award, University of Granada). It is a work of Pere Renom, Cari Pardo and Ignasi Arribas, directed and presented by Jaume Vilalta. The distinction was granted […]
Talk in the VI edition of the UX Day UOC
On Thursday 8 October 2015 took place in Barcelona Mobile World Centre the sixth edition of the UX Conference organized by the UOC. The event was part of the programs in Multimedia Design and User Experience focusing on design of ecosystems. The aim of the UX Day was broadcasting and training, and the various speakers […]
Explanation of time in the program of Catalan Television “Divendres”
Earth is no longer a good watch, it slows down. For reasons of synchronization, it was decided to adjust the 400 atomic clocks in the world: Tuesday June 30, 2015 happens to be one second longer. This can alter many computer systems, GPS and transportation. Pere Renom, of the “Quèquicom” program, explains it in the […]
Presenter in the Design and Biodiversity meeting
On June 11, 2015 La Fàbrica del Sol has organized an event entitled “Design and Biodiversity”. This is an exposure of public and private initiatives that enhance biodiversity in the city of Barcelona. Pere Renom, presenter of the event, made a brief introduction giving an overview of the relationship between the city and biodiversity, as […]
Moderator in the Meeting on urban agriculture
With the aim of bringing to all interested persons and generate an effective networking among all those who practice and defend the crops within the city, it was created the so called Aplec of urban agriculture. This year was held on June 6. The Aplec is an opportunity to learn and share experiences, guide individuals […]
Talk in the Minguella Schools
The last week of May in the Minguella Schools of Badalona, former student and parent of students, biologist and reporter of Channel 33 Pere Renom, gave a talk in order to show how you can look at any event from different areas of knowledge from the analysis of a climb to Mont Blanc, the highest […]
Opening 16th Strawberry Fair
On May 3, 2015 was held the 16th Fair of Strawberry in Sant Cebrià de Vallalta. Throughout the day there were activities to promote this fruit of great regional importance: parade, castellers, children’s workshops, photo exhibition, market of wine and cheese, and of course selling locally produced strawberries. The inauguration has been in charge of […]