The tower of Babel
The Castella school, in the Raval district of Barcelona, is an authentic Tower of Babel: in a class of 25 students we can find a dozen nationalities and around ten languages. But this linguistic diversity seems small when we expand the scale of observation. In Catalonia there are inventoried more than 300 different languages, and in the world they are known between 5,000 and 6,000. However, humanity is not a mishap, we have the ability to learn more than one language and now, moreover, we are developing machine translation tools. That’s why a little chat might clarify that.
Speakers Carme Junyent, Faculty of Philology, UB, Joan Veny, Institut d’Estudis Catalans & UB, Imma Garrabou, teacher at Castella School, Albert Costa, ICREA, Center for Brain and Cognition – UPF, Toni Hernández, School of Art and Design of Terrassa and Jordi Luque, Telefónica I + D.