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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


All “Quèquicom” TV programs with Pere Renom.

The parabolic flight

published on 13.12.2017

Gravity is an ubiquitous physical magnitude on the surface of the Earth. There is no material or device capable of eliminating it. The only way to not feel gravity is in free fall. Some airplanes make a maneuver that consists in describing a parabola like the one that would make an arrow shot by an […]

What small little therapies

published on 15.11.2017

Three revolutionary medical therapies, that act on a nanometer scale, a billionth of a meter, are explained. Self-propelled and dirigible nanorobots designed to transport drugs to target cells and greatly increase pharmacological efficiency. Peptide launchers, small molecules capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and improve the treatment of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, or brain […]

The tower of Babel

published on 11.10.2017

The Castella school, in the Raval district of Barcelona, is an authentic Tower of Babel: in a class of 25 students we can find a dozen nationalities and around ten languages. But this linguistic diversity seems small when we expand the scale of observation. In Catalonia there are inventoried more than 300 different languages, and […]

Microplastic: from the clothes to the sea

published on 11.07.2017

For every 6 kg of polyester clothing in the laundry, we release about 4 g of plastic microfibers through the pipes, which will go to the sea and contaminate the waters, bottoms and trophic nets around the world. Participants: Àngels Rovira, Researcher in Advanced Materials, LEITAT, Anna Sánchez Vidal, GRC Geosciences Marinas, UB, Salvador Borrós, […]

The swing of the beaches

published on 27.06.2017

In January 2017 the Catalan coast suffered an exceptional eastern storm, with waves up to 7 meters high, eroding entire beaches, and damaging rides, buildings and structures such as the oil pier of Badalona. The program analyzes the coastal dynamics and finds out if this destructive force is a threat to the coast. The following […]

The pig in the heart

published on 16.05.2017

The pig is much more than meat, you get hundreds of different products, some related to health such as heart valves or heparin, an anticoagulant molecule essential in blood transfusions or open heart operations. We will know the case of Joan Fàbregas a patient with a cardiac abnormality who is implanted with a prosthesis of […]

The caganer

published on 18.04.2017

It is often said that Catalans are eschatological. They have the “caganer”, a figure of the Christmas manger of a man defecating, they also have the “tió” a trunk of tree that shits gifts at Christmas, and in the industrial field they have the company Roca, one of the most important of the world in […]

Gravity, a matter of weight

published on 4.04.2017

We will travel to Bremen, in Germany, where there is one of the highest drop towers in the world (ZARM), capable of generating microgravity conditions of almost 10 seconds, and which is used by the European Space Agency (ESA) to test space technology. We will measure the differences of gravity between the level of the […]

The painting awakens

published on 28.02.2017

We will visit the rock shelters of Ulldecona with one of the most important deposits of cave paintings of Catalonia. We will see how the pictorial capacity in children from 1 to 4 years increases, and we will compare it with the pictorial capacity of the adult chimpanzees. The following spoke: Ramon Viñas, an anthropologist […]

Fleas, ticks and bed bugs

published on 7.02.2017

Fleas, ticks and bedbugs are hematophagous invertebrates, that’s blood-eaters. Each has its own particular life cycle and preferences when itching. Apart from causing annoyance, they can transmit diseases of a certain severity like Lyme, and in exceptional cases, even to be mortal. The following spoke: Joaquim Castellà, parasitologist of the Department of Animal Health and […]