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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


All “Quèquicom” TV programs with Pere Renom.

Extraordinary centenarian

published on 27.12.2016

There is no magic formula to live 100 years, depends on a lucky combination of genetics and healthy habits. We will analyze the case of two extraordinary centenarians and we will understand that aging is rusting. The following spoke: Mireia Farré from Idescat, Reinald Pamplona from UdL-IRBLleida, Manel Esteller from IDIBELL and the centenarian Joaquim […]

Science in dance

published on 13.12.2016

Dance is expressiveness through the movement of the body. We follow a dancer from the Theater Institute to understand how human anatomy takes advantage of the laws of physics to create beauty. Speakers include Clara Font, dance teacher of the Emi Vivas School; Núria Massó, Faculty of Health Sciences Blanquerna (URL); Irene Lapuente, of Newton’s […]

Laia, a branch in human evolution

published on 15.11.2016

The evolution up to Homo sapiens is a puzzle of many pieces that is intertwined in the past and we still have much to discover. In 2011, at the Can Mata dump, at Hostalets de Pierola, a piece of this puzzle was found: the fossil remains of a primate distant relative of humans. The specimen was […]

The genius of Rubik’s cube

published on 8.11.2016

Rubik’s cube is an intelligence icon. We will meet some people who can solve it blindly, with only one hand, or in less than 10 seconds. It is also a tool for learning math. With it we will understand combinatorial and geometry. Speakers Berta García, Pedro Luis Muñoz, Sergi Sàbat, Nuria Pérez and David Ruscalleda, […]

The kitchen, from the fire to the microwaves

published on 14.06.2016

We will go to the restaurant Les Cols, awarded with two Michelin stars, for energetically deconstructing a dish. We will do an experiment to assess the energy efficiency of economic kitchen, gas, ceramic, induction and microwave. We will see the technology of steel pans and new silicone utensils. And we will discover the gastronomic potential […]

Dogs, beast friends

published on 24.05.2016

We discover the extraordinary olfactory abilities of dogs to detect diseases such as diabetes or lung cancer, or their attentive social behavior that makes them ideal for the care of disabled people. Involved, dog handlers Armand Flaujat, Cal Manistró, Ramon Pampin of ACATH and Ingrid Ramon, of Argusdogs. Also Dr. Laureano Molins from Clinical Hospital […]

The butterfly effect

published on 3.05.2016

The weather in Catalonia depends on the atmospheric circulation in the middle of the North Atlantic, thousands of kilometers away. Any slight change in the initial conditions there will trigger a completely different result. This behavior, characteristic of chaotic systems, is known as the butterfly effect and is responsible for the unpredictablility of weather in […]

Pantry of Fall

published on 19.04.2016

Typical autumn products are mushrooms and chestnuts, but actually the list includes many others, such as the strawberry tree, the hackberry, the rose hip, the jujube, the loquat or the rowanberry. We will learn to recognize them. We will also discover that humans are not the only ones to make pantry, gray dormouse also makes. […]

Reading the hand

published on 29.03.2016

Our hand does not reveal the personality or the future, but speaks of evolution and growth, defines the activities we practice, identifies us, allows us to communicate and provides the basis for counting decimal. Although not along the lines of the palm, hands can be read and contain much information. Speakers Josep M. Potau Unit […]

Balloons to the stratosphere

published on 1.03.2016

Catalan industry is a world leader in the manufacture of balloons, used for sport and tourism. We will ascend to 6,000 meters with a balloon made in Igualada and see how the temperature and oxygen decrease rapidly with altitude. Faced with these difficulties, Would you dare to ascend balloon into the stratosphere, 36 kilometers altitude? […]