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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


Lives of videogames

published on 27.11.2019

The lives of videogames are the parameter that controls the operability of the character in the virtual world. But in the real world there are also lives of videogame. In the report we will know the life of the professional videogame player, that of the coach, the caster, the teacher and the videogame developer. We […]

Ravel’s bolero

published on 10.10.2018

Maurice Ravel (1875-1937) was a French composer of the 20th century. From his father, a Swiss engineer, he inherited perfectionism, and from his mother, of Basque origin, the attraction for the Spanish musical aesthetic. He composed some forty works for piano, vocal, chamber and symphonic music. The best known is the bolero, an order of […]

To trust the currency

published on 30.05.2018

Geometrically a coin has three faces: front, back and edge. But metaphorically, it has many more. Numismatics values ancient coins both for art and for the history they contain. Inflation is an economic phenomenon directly related to the availability of currencies. And Bitcoin is a digital currency that challenges the current financial system. Speakers Albert […]

The painting awakens

published on 28.02.2017

We will visit the rock shelters of Ulldecona with one of the most important deposits of cave paintings of Catalonia. We will see how the pictorial capacity in children from 1 to 4 years increases, and we will compare it with the pictorial capacity of the adult chimpanzees. The following spoke: Ramon Viñas, an anthropologist […]

Science in dance

published on 13.12.2016

Dance is expressiveness through the movement of the body. We follow a dancer from the Theater Institute to understand how human anatomy takes advantage of the laws of physics to create beauty. Speakers include Clara Font, dance teacher of the Emi Vivas School; Núria Massó, Faculty of Health Sciences Blanquerna (URL); Irene Lapuente, of Newton’s […]

Laia, a branch in human evolution

published on 15.11.2016

The evolution up to Homo sapiens is a puzzle of many pieces that is intertwined in the past and we still have much to discover. In 2011, at the Can Mata dump, at Hostalets de Pierola, a piece of this puzzle was found: the fossil remains of a primate distant relative of humans. The specimen was […]

The lives of iron

published on 14.03.2007

Iron is an element used and reused by humans for millennia and has many lives. To learn both the life of iron and the life with iron we will visit a steel mill where hundreds of tons of scrap are recycled every day, by melting to produce steel. We also will go into a mine […]