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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


Insects that give us wings

published on 23.10.2019

Although insects generally produce rejection and we associate them with annoying or harmful bugs, they are really fundamental animals for the planet since they pollinate most flowers (including our crops), eliminate manure and corpses, they are key in many trophic chains and could even serve as food. The following spoke: Jorge Mederos and Gloria Masó, […]

Climate change, critical level

published on 18.09.2019

Global warming has not stopped since the industrial revolution and in the Quèquicom we are also witnesses. In 2006 we dedicated a report to climate change. In 2019, thirteen years later, we made an update. We will see how has evolved the CO2 in the atmosphere, the temperature of the sea in Estartit, the fish […]

A nursery of scientists

published on 16.12.2017

The center Món Natura Pirineus, in Les Planes de Son, is a nursery for young scientists. Since 2007, the La Pedrera Foundation organizes the Youth and Science stays. For two weeks students from all over Catalonia receive theory classes, practice in the laboratory and field work in the areas of biology or astronomy. To get […]

Pantry of Fall

published on 19.04.2016

Typical autumn products are mushrooms and chestnuts, but actually the list includes many others, such as the strawberry tree, the hackberry, the rose hip, the jujube, the loquat or the rowanberry. We will learn to recognize them. We will also discover that humans are not the only ones to make pantry, gray dormouse also makes. […]

Montsant, peace and silence

published on 20.10.2015

The range of Montsant is located away from main roads and has no road and no track that passes. This makes it particularly quiet. For this reason it is a refuge for very sensitive species such as Bonelli’s eagle, the native crayfish, several bats or yew forests. It also locates Somereta an endemic insect species […]

Gibraltar, a natural border

published on 29.10.2013

The Strait of Gibraltar is the limit of distribution of various species, both plant and animal. There are monkeys, chameleons, Northern Bald Ibis, the last laurel forests of Europe and the most recent remnants of our cousins the Neanderthals. Speakers Eric Shaw, in charge of the monkeys of Gibraltar, Clive Finlayson, director of the Gibraltar […]

Forest fires, adapt or die

published on 25.06.2013

The Mediterranean is an area hard hit by forest fires since it is characterized by hot and dry summers. The recurrent fires have pushed the vegetation to acquire two adaptations for surviving: massive germination after fire and regrowth. But it has also forced the fire department and forest ecologists devote many resources to understand fire […]

Minorca: a mosaic of biodiversity

published on 15.06.2011

The island of Menorca is 50 km long and has 12,000 km of stone walls that divide the territory and promote the simultaneous presence of tilled fields, crops, forests, bushes and meadows. The island is also dotted with about 100 temporary ponds populated by many aquatic organisms. One of the more relevant is the tadpole […]

Living in the Pyrenees

published on 8.06.2011

We will see some of the animals that lived in the Pyrenees and some of those still living. We will see the marmots of the alpine meadows, the boreal owl of the mountain pine forests, and the trout. Also we will understand how glaciation have shaped the look of this range.

Natural history of la paella

published on 15.03.2010

In the paella is represented virtually the entire evolutionary tree and the rice absorbs all the flavors. The reporter Pere Renom travels to the Ebro Delta to learn how to cook this dish with ingredients such as shellfish or duck meat. Renom try to reap rice by hand and to fish seabass with casting net. […]