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Pere Renom

“We have given you, O Adam, no visage proper to yourself, nor endowment properly your own, in order that whatever place, whatever form, whatever gifts you may, with premeditation, select, these same you may have and possess through your own judgement and decision […] We have made you a creature neither of heaven nor of earth, neither mortal nor immortal as the free and proud shaper of your own being, fashion yourself in the form you may prefer.”

Giovanni Pico della Mirandola


Low cost satellits

published on 2.11.2011

The aerospace industry is a sector with so high investment that only large agencies like NASA or ESA, or the multinational companies can afford. An international team of students and engineers of UPC is developing a project to send a satellite into space for less than 1,200 euros. The challenge is part of the “N-Prize” […]

Human towers

published on 30.09.2011

People involved in human towers use power wisely to lift buildings up to 10 meters high and 800 participants. Previously guided intuitively, now apply a refined technique that includes knowledge of physics, architecture, biomechanics, physiology and psychology, in order to improve performance and security. “Quèquicom” discusses many of these principles helped by Jaume Rosset, medical […]

Gaudí and the natural forms in the Sagrada Família

published on 10.11.2010

To better understand the relationship between the architecture of Gaudi and the nature, the biologist Pere Renom climbs the canopy of a beech forest over 40 meters high and compare the structure with that of the central nave of the Sagrada Família, designed like a forest of stone. The hyperboloid domes topping the nave are […]


Undressing the laundry

published on 11.10.2010

The perfect laundry is a challenge for physics, chemistry and for the reporters of Quèquicom, who learn the best tricks to get an immaculate clothes. How is it possible that the soap used to clean fats, is in fact obtained from fats? What is the difference between soap and detergent? How to use the bleach?

The bicycle: a perfect machine

published on 24.02.2010

“Quèquicom” explains why the bicycle is a perfect machine. Consumes 40 times less than the car, and its manufacturing saves 100 times energy. It is also the fastest urban transport in distances of less than 8 km. And in addition, cycling is a healthy pleasure.

Atom: asking the matter

published on 27.01.2010

Hadrons, neutrons, quarks, gluons, or the famous Higgs particle are concepts of the atomic physics related to a big question: what is matter? “Quèquicom” visits CERN, a laboratory built 100 meters underground in Geneva, Switzerland, where the properties of some subatomic particles like hadrons are investigated from colisions in an accelerator called LHC (Large Hadron […]

Overturned by the wind

published on 11.02.2009

Quèquicom dedicates a special program  to the great windstorm that swept Catalonia on 24 January 2009, killed four children and caused many destructions.

The limits of science

published on 6.02.2008

Hartmann Lines, dowsers and astrology, do they proceed with the scientific method? To know it, the program compared them to the corresponding scientific disciplines of geomagnetism, hydrogeology and astronomy.

Colors in the sight

published on 13.06.2007

Humans are able to distinguish about 10 million colors. This capability has meant that we have incorporated many colors into the culture as symbols of all kinds. However, unlike other perceptions such as taste or hearing, the vision of colors is forgetful. Any way, thousands of pigments are currently available thanks to the modern chemical […]

Nanotecnology: the smallest world

published on 7.02.2007

Two teams of young people prepared a competition of robots. In the process they discover the world of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is a technology that works by one billion times smaller than a meter in a ultramicroscopic scale. We’ll go to Barcelona Science Park and the Institute of Materials Science, CSIC to watch how real nanotechnology […]