Cause of death: Entropy
The immediate cause of death is always a cardiac arrest, the mediate cause is cell death, and the ultimate cause is the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Death is irreversible, the process can not be reversed as well as the coffe with milk can not be separated.
Copper, the electric metal
Associated with electricity, copper has helped change the world. Besides being a good conductor some of its compounds are superconductors. In living organisms acts as a transmitter of electrons in many biochemical reactions. Also is part of several blue and green pigments of gothic painting and sometimes can acquire an electric tone.
Undressing the laundry
The perfect laundry is a challenge for physics, chemistry and for the reporters of Quèquicom, who learn the best tricks to get an immaculate clothes. How is it possible that the soap used to clean fats, is in fact obtained from fats? What is the difference between soap and detergent? How to use the bleach?
Atom: asking the matter
Hadrons, neutrons, quarks, gluons, or the famous Higgs particle are concepts of the atomic physics related to a big question: what is matter? “Quèquicom” visits CERN, a laboratory built 100 meters underground in Geneva, Switzerland, where the properties of some subatomic particles like hadrons are investigated from colisions in an accelerator called LHC (Large Hadron […]
Marine pharmacy against cancer
A terminally ill patient because of a very advanced esophageal cancer experienced complete tumor remission thanks to a new drug extracted from a marine animal, which is given by the Catalan Institute of Oncology (ICO). This antitumor molecule has been isolated by the company PharmaMar after thirty years looking into the sea for active principles […]
Against the glass
We test the fragility of glass using mallets and Magnum revolver shots with the help of the police. We also show and explain about living organisms protected by glass skeletons: diatoms.
Diabetes: when sweet turns sour
Diabetes is a disease that affects more than 400,000 people in Catalonia. But this disease does not usually show signs until it is advanced . “Quèquicom” provides the key to whether you should go to the doctor. Led by specialists like Dr. Anna Novials, the Sarda Foundation, or Ramon Gomis, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona,”Quèquicom” explains […]
Colors in the sight
Humans are able to distinguish about 10 million colors. This capability has meant that we have incorporated many colors into the culture as symbols of all kinds. However, unlike other perceptions such as taste or hearing, the vision of colors is forgetful. Any way, thousands of pigments are currently available thanks to the modern chemical […]
Nanotecnology: the smallest world
Two teams of young people prepared a competition of robots. In the process they discover the world of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is a technology that works by one billion times smaller than a meter in a ultramicroscopic scale. We’ll go to Barcelona Science Park and the Institute of Materials Science, CSIC to watch how real nanotechnology […]